The Excalibur Unsheathed! |
So you thought that when it comes to radio you have seen it all? Perhaps you might have even thought that shortwaves are oh-so-last-century! But here comes a radio receiver that is truly eye-opening; an award-winning receiver that "changes the game": The Excalibur.
With the Excalibur, shortwaves become alive on your PC. You will see the entire shortwave spectrum, all at once, in real time. Exotic stations from all over the world will be visible as spectrum peaks and tunable by point-and-click, and converted to audio by the Excalibur's exquisite digital demodulator. Utility and morse-code stations will show their characteristic signatures, you will see and hear military "whistlers" exploring the spectrum in search for the best frequencies for military communications. In addition to regular broadcasts of local and foreign news and entertainment, political and religious broadcasts, ships, aircraft and the military, radio amateur and various mysterious clandestine stations will be popping up, and you will laugh at the hillarious broadcasts from the world's last dictators. For despite all our satellites and the internet, shortwaves are still the only medium that can carry information around the globe without any intervening infrastructure. And they are teaming with life as ever. The Excalibur also includes what is considered to be currently the best implementation of the DRM technology - a new digital broadcasting mode that dramatically enhances the quality of shortwave broadcasts, making them sound like your local FM stations - despite being thousands of miles away. The awesome power of the Excalibur is due to its state-of-the-art fast analog-to-digital converter which digitizes the entire shortwave band at once. Direct digital down-conversion, software-defined filtering and digital demodulation techniques are then applied to the spectrum, making it possible to listen to (or record) three stations at a time. The Excalibur transforms your PC into a truly amazing radio of unprecedented power. And the experts and reviewers agree: |
"This is a great receiver that will change the way you monitor the HF bands. Being able to see the entire spectrum in one display and jump to any point with a click of a mouse is a very powerful tool."
"I liked very much the user interface, a good balance between ease of use and well presented information. The various spectrum displays were excellent and give a good visual impression of the radio environment." "The Excalibur is more than just a receiver; it is also a high performance spectrum analyzer over a wide range of frequencies and a usable dynamic range in excess of 110 dB." "The Excalibur receiver is a top rate performer supported by excellent software and the spectrum displays are a superb bonus. The 16-bit analogue to digital converter results in unsurpassed strong signal performance and once again my league table of close-in dynamic range receiver performance has a new No. 1." "In my professional lifetime in communications electronics, I’ve never seen anything with such shortwave receiving and processing power at such a low price. In the time it took me to write this review, I have changed from a digital skeptic to a true believer. This is one amazing radio!" "We should say at this stage that the DRM implementation in Excalibur is truly excellent and the best we have ever used. It produces almost immediate and consistent results from signals which other receivers would either not process at all or suffer persistent drop-outs." "In performance terms the Excalibur sets new standards in several areas. It is the most sensitive SDR we have yet measured." "All in all, Excalibur is already the best SDR we have used - and knowing WiNRADiO we imagine that future software releases will only serve to make it even better." There is much, much more to discover about the Excalibur. Click here to get more details. |