Software Developer's Kit
The SDK document outlines the API specification for the G305 series of WiNRADiO receivers, including the interfacing syntax and examples for C/C++, C# and Delphi programming languages.
This makes it possible for a third-party software developer to gain complete control over the G305 receiver. This includes tuning the receiver, controlling the attenuator and gain, as well as reading the signal strength. To complete a third-party software-defined receiver based on the G305 hardware platform, all that is needed is DSP software (running on the PC), to filter and demodulate the low IF (12 kHz) signal made available by the receiver. |
For G305i receivers (and G305e receivers with the optional serial interface), this 12 kHz IF signal is physically available at the output connector of the receiver, and is usually externally connected to the Line input of the sound card. For standard USB-connected G305e receivers, the IF signal is available via the USB interface, already conveniently digitized.
The API can be used by any 32-bit application under Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 (including their 64-bit versions).
The API file WRG305API.DLL is available as standard part of the WiNRADiO G305 application installer which is supplied with the receiver and can be also downloaded here. |