WiNRADiO G313/G315 and the Advanced Digital Suite |
If you already own a WiNRADiO G313 or G315 receiver, you can now take Software-Defined Radio a step further... The WiNRADiO Advanced Digital Suite is a collection of digital signal processing modules, now also available for the G313/G315 series of WiNRADiO receivers. The digital signal processing is done on the PC, using digitized demodulated audio directly obtained from the G313/G315 receiver's DSP (i.e. there is no need to re-digitize the demodulated audio). The processed audio than can be channeled back to the receiver's output codec (for example to provide additional audio filtering and conditioning). The WiNRADiO Advanced Digital Suite expands the power of your WiNRADiO G313/G315 receiver with numerous digital processing facilities, including: Upon installation, the new modules will appear in the Digital Suite top bar menu of the WiNRADiO receiver application software, and can be invoked from there, such as the Advanced Signal Conditioner:
The Advanced Signal Conditioner makes it possible to create low-pass, band-pass, high-pass and notch filters of user-definable cut-off frequencies and selectivity. The filter pass bands can be edited graphically by simply dragging the filter edges using the mouse, with the results immediately observable on the inbuilt spectrum analyzer and oscilloscope - and of course heard at the same time. There is also a noise blanker, auto-notch, recorder/playback, and even a pitch-shifter. And this is only one facility of the many offered by the Advanced Digital Suite! System Requirements