WR-G35DDCi Receiver Hardware Options

The following factory-fitted hardware options are available for WR-G35DDCi receiver:

External Reference Oscillator Input Option (/XR)

The G35DDCi/XR receiver includes an additional SMA connector, which can be used to connect an external 10 MHz reference oscillator for the highest possible frequency accuracy. The reference oscillator can be either sine or square wave between -5 dBm to +10 dBm.

Reference Oscillator Output Option (/RO)

The G35DDCi/RO receiver includes an additional SMA connector, which can be used to output the 10 MHz reference frequency. This is useful for situations where the receiver's internal oscillator is to be used as a reference for other equipment. The output is AC coupled, clipped sine-wave at +5 dBm @ 50 Ohms.

ADC Clock Input Option (/CR)

The G35DDCi/CR receiver includes an additional SMA connector, which can be used to connect an external 100 MHz clock for the ADC. This is useful for applications in phase-coherent receiver arrays. The ADC clock can be either sine or square wave between 0 dBm to +10 dBm. The most effective way to build a coherent system based on the WR-G35DDCi receiver is to use WiNRADiO WR-CC1PPS-100 Coherence Clock & 1PPS Kit; which makes it possible to interconnect up to 16 receivers to create a coherent group of receivers.

To order a receiver with any of the above options, simply add the option code(s) to the receiver model number. For example, for a receiver with the external reference oscillator option, the model number will be G35DDCi/XR. Options can be mixed together, for example G35DDCi/XR/RO/CR denotes a receiver with all three options installed.