Many configurations are possible, offering a choice of frequency range and features…
MS-8128/G39: The frequency range is from 9 kHz to 3.5 GHz, with two independent channels of 4 MHz wide instantaneous bandwidth available for recording and further digital processing, plus a 16 MHz wide real-time spectrum analyzer. Each receiver has two concurrent DDC channels with 24 selectable output bandwidths ranging from 20 kHz to 4 MHz, each can be used as an independent "virtual receiver". There are numerous demodulation modes with continuously variable demodulator bandwidth from 1 Hz to 320 kHz (in 1 Hz increments).
An important facility of the MS-8128/G39 system is the "hand-off" feature, where a "master" scanning receiver can hand off a radio channel to another "slave" receiver if a signal is found, and then continue searching the band.
The real-time spectrum analyzer also allows direct "click-on-peak" tuning of the associated receiver from within the displayed spectrum. Other features include a waterfall, scanning, searching, logging, task scheduling facilities, test and measurement functions, noise blankers and notch filters. There is also an integrated recorder, making it possible to instantly record and playback the received signal both at the DDC (4 MHz wide) and audio levels.
MS-8128/G35: The frequency range is from 1 kHz to 45 MHz, with three demodulators. The instantaneous bandwidth has 33 selectable outputs ranging from 20 kHz to 32 MHz for recording and further digital processing. The receiver's selectivity can be adjusted with 1 Hz resolution. The 45 MHz wide real-time spectrum analyzer also allows direct "click-on-peak" tuning of the associated receiver from within the displayed spectrum. Other features include a waterfall, task scheduling facilities, test and measurement functions, noise blankers and notch filters. There is also an integrated recorder, making it possible to instantly record and playback the received signal both at the DDC (32 MHz wide) and audio levels.
Hybrid: It is possible to combine both G39DDCi and G35DDCi cards in the same system, for the best HF performance coupled with a wide frequency coverage and fast searching.
MS-8128/G3: Where the focus is on the scanning of known frequencies from 9 kHz to 1.8 GHz, the G315i based system is ideal. This configuration provides excellent dynamic range and high sensitivity. A 20 kHz wide spectrum display assists with signal identification and precise tuning. Many useful features complement the receivers, such as scanning, hand-off and automatic voice recording. When coupled to the WA-0851/SFH2 Antenna Distribution Unit (ADU), the top frequency extends to 8.6 GHz due to the inclusion of frequency downconverters in the ADU which integrates seamlessly with the G315 software.